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Have you Heard?

19 years old. A young pup. With a shoulder full of her own expectations, she went to university to be a teacher -but knew it wasn’t for her. Feeling like a disappointment, she was confused and lost...

🎉10 years later and I couldn’t be prouder of this girl- myself.

I didn’t follow the trend. I listened to myself.

But boy, did I ever have to prove myself! Most importantly, I proved to myself who I am and what I can do while meeting so many lovely people along the way.

Real estate is a business but if you love what you do, you get up in the morning no matter what and tackle what is ahead.

To those who trusted me from the very beginning (my very first clients, Kim and Darcy)... as well as those trusting me still - you rock and I’m so thankful. I’m blessed.

So in times like these - uncertain and unknown - I celebrate the known.

I love my career, my relationships and I celebrate that I know what I do best.

Perhaps because of this, I am a huge supporter of people starting out.

I was that girl living in my parent's basement while working 3 jobs, trying to start my business and driving my red neon in a business suit.

🥂I’m so excited to announce my new Facebook group “Creating and celebrating Saskatchewan first time home buyers”!

To all you starting out, I wanted to create a space and community to support and help people accomplish their goal of owning THEIR FIRST HOME.

A passion of mine is helping out First Time Home Buyers so I hope you will join me whether this is you or you know someone just starting out, together WE’VE GOT THIS!

Come join us in the Group here.

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